Multiple Row Function – Group Function in SQL

Multiple Row Function :

  • Multiple row function is also called as group function or it is also called as aggregate function.
  • group function operate on set of rows to give one result per group

Types of Group Function :

  1. AVG  – average value of number of rows in a table, it ignoring null value
  2. COUNT  – number of rows( count all selected rows using * , including duplicates and rows with null value )
  3. MAX  – maximum value of expression, ignore null values
  4. MIN   – minimum value of expression, ignore null values
  5. SUM – sum of  values of number of rows in a table, it ignore null values

Example : 

Question : Display the total salary in employee table

Query : SELECT SUM( sal ) as total FROM emp;

Question : Display Average salary in employee table

Query : SELECT AVG( sal ) as average FROM emp;

Question : Display Min and Max salary in employee table

Query : SELECT MIN( sal ) as minsal MAX( sal ) as maxsal FROM emp;

Question : Display  total count of rows  in employee table

Query : SELECT COUNT( * ) as average FROM emp;