Angular Interview Questions 2021 – Angular Js Interview Question & Answer for Experienced/Fresher

  1. What is Angular?
  2. What is Singleton Objects in angular?
  3. What do you understand by Lazy Loading?
  4. Explain various ways of Component Communication in Angular?
  5. Explain Angular Component Life Cycle Hooks?
  6. What is @HostBinding and @HostListener ?
  7. What is difference between ViewChild and ContentChild?
  8. What are the different types of Forms presents  in Angular?
  9. What is the purpose of ViewProvider?
  10. What is the difference between Let , Var and Const ?
  11. How you will install Material Bootstrap in Angular ?
  12. What is Observables and Promises?
  13. Explain angular Directive and its types?
  14. What is SAP?
  15. When to use Template Driven Form and When to use Reactive Forms?
  16. What is Change Detection?
  17. How you will handle Cookies and Cache in angular?
  18. What is RxJS?
  19. What is SASS?
  20. What are the Types of Caching ?
  21. What is Internationalization?
  22. How you will send a value in URL in angular?
  23. What is Activated Router in angular?
  24. How to GET value from the URL ?
  25. What is Arrow Function ?
  26. What is the difference between Normal Function and Arrow Function?
  27. What is Pipes in angular?
  28. What are the Default Pipes in angular?
  29. What is Design Pattern?
  30. What is Router Guard?
  31. What is Karma Js?
  32. Explain Exception Handling in Angular ?
  33. Explain Memory Leak and How to Handle?
  34. What is Function Variable ?
  35. What is the difference between RootScope and Scope in AngularJs?
  36. What is String Interpolation?
  37. What is Component and Module?
  38. What is Dependency Injection?
  39. How to Cancel Observables?
  40. Difference between Constructor and OnInit and Where to Declare?
  41. What is Call Bind and Call Apply?
  42. What are the PitFalls of JavaScripts?
  43. What are the Tools used to Build angular application?
  44. Is JavaScript is Synchronous or ASynchronous by Default?
  45. Explain Single Page Application Pros and Cons?
  46. How do you Deploy an angular application?
  47. Difference between Angular 2 and Angular 11?
  48. What is the Latest Version of Angular?
  49. What is Sub and Pub Methodology?
  50. How to run an angular application without CLI?
  51. What is Isolated Scope?
  52. What is E2E Framework and how it is used for angular?
  53. What are different types of Execution Method in angular ?
  54. Why Package.Json is used?
  55. Different types of Creating Global Variables?
  56. What is Event Bubbling and Event Capturing in angular?
  57. What is Fork Join?
  58. Have you used ReactJs Library in Angular?
  59. Explain NgModule?
  60. What is OnPush and Default Strategy?
  61. How to handle Styling?
  62. Explain viewEncapSulation?
  63. What is the purpose of  “Any” in ProvideIn option?
  64. What is the difference between ProvideIn Options and ProvideIn Array?
  65. Explain Stop Propagation Vs Immediate Propagation?
  66. Difference between _Proto_ Vs Prototype?
  67. What is Hoisting?
  68. How do we write Unit Test Case in angular and FrameWork used for the same?
  69. What are the different types of Data Binding in Angular?
  70. What is difference between Angular and AngularJs?
  71. Difference between .Then and .Finally ?
  72. is it possible to Server Side Rendering in angular?